As they say: When speed is high, the world is small. ``DNA 5G``

The speed, reliability and reliability of the 5G network are in a class of their own.

Work is done in the office and remotely, when processing files and software is no longer connected to the network. High-speed connections bring family and friends close, and the quality of streaming services and TV shows improves and gaming takes to a whole new level. (Source: DNA 5G)

5G Key Operation Points

  • (1) Lay out power cable, fibers and jumpers color ring in advance,
  • (2) Pre-Install,
  • (3) Antenna/ATN/BBU/DCDU/RRUs,
  • (4) Pre-commissioning Huawei BBU,
  • (5) sites block, transmission swap,
  • (6) Antenna Swap,
  • (7) 2G&3G Swap(Contact Operator when 1st&2nd&3rdsector up),
  • (8) 4G Swap,
  • (9) 5G on air,
  • (10) Service Validation,
  • (11) External alarm and clean up.